Southeastern Michigan
Woofer and Tweeter Marching Society

Graphic:  Harvard Graphophone

SMWTMS was founded in April 1975 by four audiophiles. The club mailing list now covers over forty. The club's interest in audio is at the highest levels, but its interest in organization is minimal. To learn more about SMWTMS, watch the SMWTMS Infomercial.

Club meetings are announced in the club publication named, LC, The SMWTMS Network. This modest journal is published by email prior to each meeting. LC documents member's thoughts on audio scene and serves as the club meeting notice.

The cost to be a member of SMWTMS, including LC, is $10.00 per calendar year. To join SMWTMS and receive LC, please remit $10.00. Cash or check in person or by snail mail, or PayPal to the email address below are accepted.

When you join, please indicate your willingness to host meetings in your home. Renewals are due in January of each year. For inclusion in the club member list, please send your physical addres, email address, and your phone numbers.

Meetings occur on the second or third Saturday of odd numbered months and are held at a member's home. The typical number of people at a meeting is 17. SMWTMS meeting programs are primarily prepared and presented by SMWTMS members. New members are encouraged to contribute a program as soon as they feel comfortable. When you are ready speak up with your ideas.

SMWTMS favors live music and live shows and attending meetings in person, but for those who cannot a meeting, meetings are broadcast live on the SMWTMS Channel on Twitch. HD videos of the SMWTMS meeting content are on the SMWTMS Channel on YouTube.

CDs, Videos, and Photos from SMWTMS Meetings

There is a list of all SMWTMS related videos on the SMWTMS Video Page

Watch featured talks and most reviews from past meetings at the SMWTMS Channel on YouTube.

See recent and historical photographs of SMWTMS events in the SMWTMS Photo Gallery.

Sample Stories from the Club Newsletter

LC, The SMWTMS Network.

November 1991, Commemorative, 100TH Issue of LC, The SMWTMS Network, is available separately: Contains historical stories of SMWTMS and the ABX Company; 57 Pages; Laser Printed; Plastic Tab/Ring Bound; $15.00 each, postpaid.

Topics from Previous Meetings

Hearing Music, The Human Ear, and Audio Systems: Unwinding Coupling Capacitors - Does Low Frequency Phase Matter by John Vanderkooy; Great Audio Systems - What Matters and What Doesn't by David Clark; Contradictions, Knowledge, and the Brain in Audio by David Clark; Distant Mic versus Far Mic Demonstration with AKG-414 mics; HTRF & 3D Audio

Latest in Audio: Gary Eickmeier's New Paradigm report; 2017AXPONA report; Restored State of the Art 1957 Audio System; Technical Details of the all new 2015 Jeep Wrangler Alpine Audio System; History of Listening Tests for Sound Quality in Cars; Reports from Audio Engineering Society Conventions, the Consumer Electronic Show, and other audio related events around the world by members of the Detroit delegation. See the SMWTMS Video Page for the latest AES Convention and CES reports.

Music and Recording: Gary Eickmeier describes recording and post-processing Ambisonics using the Zoom H3-VR “Virtual Reality” recorder. David Lau explains how many mics it takes to record a 384 piece band; The Sound of Compression and Limiting; Stereo Pair Live Recording Technique Saves Project; How Computerized Music Editing and Mixing is Affecting Live Performance; Review of NBC's The Voice; Brookwood Studio; History of the American Drum Set; How Music Works - Parts I, II, and III; Interview with noted conductor Ken Kiesler; Guitar and Bass Session; Flute and Oboe Tutorial and Recording Session; Brass Quintet Recording Session; Violin; Vocal Recitals; String Quartet Recording Session; Viola; Classical Guitar; Jazz Singer; The Bob Foley Concert Tour, a guide to local and not so local concerts of merit.

Speakers: Randy Parker Builds a Multiple Entry Horn System; DUMAX goes to a new home at ALTI; Russ blows up an 18 inch speaker; Small Vented Two Way Speaker with DSP Crossover; XBL2 technology, plus Creative Sound Solutions crossover design principles; A History of Speakers; Fresh Look at the E-M and T/S Speaker Parameters; Linkwitz LX521 4 Reference Loudspeaker; Electro-Voice 30W Thrity Inch Woofer; Software Assisted Audio System Design; KEF LS50 Paper Review; AES Conference on Loudspeakers; Infinite Baffle Subwoofers; Measuring Cone Motion in Infinte Baffle Subwoofers; Low Cost Flat Panel Speaker Project; Multiple Subwoofers in Small Rooms; Engineering Alpine Aftermarket Speakers; Performance of Electro-Dynamic Speakers; The Linkwitz Challenge; Monopole Subwoofers v. Infinite Baffle Subwoofers; Reference Surround System, "Single Box Surround Speakers" by Steve Eberbach, founder of DCM Loudspeakers; "Loudspeaker Design Basics & More" by Jesse Spence; Outdoor Speakers; Position Dependant Amplitude Modulation Distortion (POSDAM); The "Boxter" a tiny sub-woofer; Large Displacement Subwoofer Systems; Mark Ziemba exotic PA system; How To Make Ribbon Speakers; Backyard Horn Speaker System; Small Venue Sound Reinforcement Speaker System; Transmission Line Bass Reflex Hybrid; Optimum Placement of Sub-Woofers; How to Design an Award Winning Speaker System; Working With Wood; TEF Analysis of Loudspeakers; Speaker Recone Demo; Speaker Driver Parameter Measurements (Thiele/Small, Impedance, X-Max); X-Max Theory; Heil Tweeter as a Horn Driver; Speaker Construction Contests; Home Theater Sub-Woofer and Surrounds; Carver Amazing Speakers; DUMAX linearity analysis.

AB Listening Tests and Deception in Audio: Comparison of Studio Microphone Techniques by David Lau at Brookwood Studio; ABX Double Blind Comparison of JBL LSR308 and Behringer B2031A; The Latest Golden Ear Deceptions; Auditory Scenes; Earl Geddes Speakers v. JBL and Gradient; PSACS 2001 Op Amp ABX Test Report; PCABX Tests; 24 bit / 96 kHz Sampling Digital Audio; ABX Testing After 23 Years; Studio Condenser Microphones; 5.1 Channel Dolby Digital from distant speakers compared to virtual 5.1 on two close-up speakers; MD encode/decode; Power Amps; Pre-Amps; Loudspeakers; Absolute Phase; Cassette vs. Open Reel; Piano Sound Comparison; AB Ethics; Subjective Test Form.

Demonstrations & Reports: David Carlstrom explains and demonstrates audio compression; David Carlstrom repairs a Crown CE-1000; Ed Lezon explains Distortion at Low Levels in Power Amplifiers; One DSP Unit for the Entire Audio System Bern Muller explains; Way Off-Broadway Sound Man! Dennis Green discovers soundplant software; Emotiva XMC-1 with Dirac Live; Sangean HDT-20 FM/AM Tuner; FM/Antennas; KD Links HD720 Media Server; Canon VIXIA R500 HD Camcorder; Crown IQ USM 810 Equalizer; Proper Boxes; AudioXpress; Oppo BDP-103D Blu-ray Player; Panasonic PT-AE8000U Projector; Smyth Realiser; Fostex MC10M Supercardioid Microphone; FM Tuner Reception Testing and the Sony XDR-F1HD AM / FM / HD radio tuner; Two Channel Expansion Formats for Surround Sound demo of 5.1 material and 2 channel material up-matrixed to Dolby PL-II, DTS, Logic 7, etc. for comparison to the original stereo.

Home Theater: Morse Home Cinema; Clean a 12 foot wide projection screen? Earl Geddes Rebuilds his Home Theater and revises his thinking on subwoofers in small rooms; From 2.1 to 9.3 Home Theater; Pixel Blend in Video Projectors; Sharpness on Blu-ray; Dan Field's Home Theater Plans; Alan Fassinger's Home Theater; Earl Geddes Home Theater; Vibration Transducers for Shaking Theater Seats; 3-D Audio or Personal Home Theater; Listening Room Design for "5.1 Channel" Audio.

Acoustics: Room Transformation by Dale Morse using Acoustic Treatment and REW; The Siegfried Linkwitz Challenge to the AES; De-reverberation and the Recording-Playback Process; Room Curves; 3-D Audio or Personal Home Theater; Listening Room Design for "5.1 Channel" Sound; IEC Listening Room Description and Visit.

Design Analyses: Calibrating Audio Meters; Audio Measurements with VU meters and Peak Program Meters; Planar Magnetic Speakers; 24 bit / 96 kHz Sampling Digital Audio; Home Theater Formats; Compact Disc Manufacturing Technology; Ambience Systems; Digital Audio Principles; Digital Delay Lines; Digital Data Compression Demo; The Human Ear; 1963 AMI Juke Box; RCA 45 RPM System and 45-EY-2 Player.

Construction Projects & Restoration Projects: A mic prop that works; New Classic Audio System in 1973 Volvo 1800ES Sport Wagon; Mitubishi LT-20 linear tracking arm servo; Schwartz 40 Power Amplifier; Fiber Optic Cable Splices; Film to video transfer system from 8mm sound film; Seat Shaker for Home Theater; 8mm Film Chain; Microphone Pre-Amp with Jensen Transformers; Electro-Voice 30"; Woofer with Motional Feedback; PORN (Pipe/hORN) Woofer; 16mm Movie Sound.

Video: Next Gen TV (ATSC 3.0) Updates; Earl Geddes Goes 4K; 4K Video over-the-air May Have Unexpected Advantages!; A Review of the equipment used for the SMWTMS broadcast; SMWTMS Channel on YouTube; Basics of Color Monitor Calibration; HDTV Camera Demo; A Technical Review of NTSC on the Eve of its Replacement with ATSC; Microphones for Video Camcorders; Woodward Avenue Cruise 1996 & 1997; Trunk Sale 1996; Autosound Contests 1986, 1987 Part One, 1987 Part Two, and 2005.

Software Analysis: "Mixing Principles and Techniques"; "Jazz Organists", "Microphones and Microphone Techniques"; "Folk Rock 1965 - 1975"; "Teenage Dance Crazes of 1955 - 1968"; "Early Greenwich Village Folk Scene"; "Soulsville U.S.A.= Stax Records 1960-1975 in Memphis"; "Jazz Influences to Early Rock'n'Roll, 1945 - 1960", "Sultans of Synth", "New Romantic Movement", "Bob Seger Before Live Bullet" by David Hill; Tone Bursts for Acoustic Measurements; Truly Difficult Pop Music Quizzes from Dave Hill's research; Multi-Channel Surround Systems; Most and Deepest Bass on CDs and from Electric Bass by FFT Analysis; Mercury Living Presence Recordings; Recordings Made by Club Members.

Equipment Clinics: Audio Test Reports on the Web; MD Players; CD Players; Pre-Amps; Power Amps; FM Tuners; Tape Recorders.

Guests & Trips: Roger Cox (Creator of the Ampeg SVT Bass Amplifier System); Gene Pitts (Editor Audio); Toronto Society; Group Recording Sessions; CES; Recording Studios.

Commercial Presentations: Creative Sound Solutions; Northern TV; Almas Hi-Fi Stereo; Russell Jewell, Founder of Audiolight; Paul Barton, Founder and Chief Designer of PSB Speakers International; Monsoon Multimedia Speakers; Waveform Inc.; Michigan Theater (Jackson); The David Hafler Company; The ABX Company; Jensen's Stereo Shop; Audio Concepts; Newform Research.

Computers and Audio: Dale Morse explains Component Measurement Using REW; Test Equipment for Computer; 6.1 decoder PC card; Virtual Instrumentation; Computerized Measurements of Analog and Digital Audio Players and Recorders; Frequency Response Measurement and Evaluation Protocol; Introduction to the Internet; Home Computers and Audio

Annual Trunk Sale & Swap Meet: Sell, Trade, or Auction your excess audio gear and spare parts from the trunk of your car. Astounding items and astounding prices have made the SMWTMS trunk sale popular. Sound & Vision offers leftover gear and SMWTMS accepts!

Annual Autosound Contest: Judged by Perceptual Transfer Function Measurements; Measuring Imaging Performance; Perceptual Transfer Function Spatial Rendition Module; The Tuner Box; "The Grand Wazoo" audio system concept in a Dodge Durango; Perceptual Transfer Function Microphone Array; Localized Sound Power Measurements; Foamy Head Measurements; Annual Autosound Contest; Subjective Test Form.

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Web Page Created by David Carlstrom.
Last Modified: 1/1/2025