ABX Statistics: Chi-Squared

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Chi-Squared probability
of chance
12.120 0.0005
10.830 0.001
7.879 0.005
6.635 0.010
5.412 0.020
5.024 0.025
3.841 0.050
3.170 0.075
2.706 0.100
2.072 0.150
1.642 0.200
1.074 0.300
0.708 0.400
0.455 0.500
0.275 0.600
0.148 0.700
0.064 0.800
0.036 0.850
0.016 0.900
0.009 0.925
0.004 0.950
0.001 0.975

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Web Page Created by David Carlstrom. Last Modified: 1/26/2011