ABX Double Blind Comparator: Bibliography

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These are a few references to books relevant to double blind testing and the ABX comparator system. Please report any typographical errors to David Carlstrom.

Acoustical Society of America, Hearing: Its Psychology and Physiologogy, American Institute of Physics
Andersen, Hans Christian, "The Emperor's New Clothes" Andersen's Fairy Tales, with biographical sketch of Hans Christian Andersen by Thomas W. Handford. Illustrated by True Williams and others., Chicago, Belford, Clarke (1889)
Armitage, Statistical Methods in Medicine, Wiley (1971)
Burlington, R., and May, D. Jr., Handbook of Probability and Statistics with Tables, Second Edition, McGraw Hill NY (1970)
Fisher, Ronald Aylmer, Sir, Statistical Methods and Scientific Inference, 3d ed., rev. and enl., New York Hafner Press (1973)
Frazier, Kendrik, ed., Paranormal Borderlands of Science, Prometheus Books (1981)
Grinnell, Frederick, The Scientific Attitude, Boulder, Westview Press (1987)
Hanushek, E., and Jackson, J., Statistical Methods for Social Scientists, Academic Press NY (1977)
Kockelmans, Joseph J., Phenomenology and Physical Science - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Physical Science, Duquesne Press, Pittsburg PA (1966)
Lakatos, Imre, The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes, Vol. 1 , Cambridge University Press (1978)
McBurney, Donald H., Collings, Virginia B., Introduction to Sensation/Perception, Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 (1977)
Moore, Brian C. J., An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing, 3rd Edition , Academic Press, London ; New York (1989)
Mosteller and Tukey, "Quantitative Methods", chapter in Handbook of Social Psychology, Lindzey G., and Aronson, Eds., Addison-Wesley (1964)
Neave, H. R., Statistical Tables, Allen & Unwin, London (1978)
Norman, Geoffrey, R., PDQ Statistics, B. C. Decker Toronto, C. V. Mosby St. Louis, (1986)
Rock, Irwin, An Introduction to Perception, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York NY (1975)
Scharf, Bertam, and Reynolds, George S. Experimental Sensory Psychology, Scott Forseman and Company, Glenview IL (1975)

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